My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 7 months. We met in college and after a little while he ended up asking me out. We are both freshman but in different majors. He’s a genuinely nice guy, it’s just recently, I struggle to see him as a boyfriend, rather more of just a friend and have kinda been questioning our relationship. We live multiple states away and I don’t know if I can do long distance while still being excited to see each other. My friends at home have told me to just wait it out, but in all honestly, it’s been two weeks into summer break and calling him, rather than making me happy to see/talk to him, has started to just wear me out. We try to call almost night and I’ve tried to think of different things to talk about or games we can play during the day or on call, but none of them have seemed to work when we tried them over other school breaks.

Also, as of now, we have very different plans for our futures. We have a few years till we graduate, but if we struggle with long distance and want to live hours away from each other after school anyway, what’s best to do now? Plan can always change, but for now we both seem pretty dead set on what we want to do.

I know I should talk to him about how I’ve been feeling and the doubts I’ve been having, but I just can’t see him taking it well. If I still have these thoughts and feelings for another few weeks, I will probably bring it up so we can talk about it together.

Here’s where another main issue is. We have the same main group of friends, which was all very close this last semester. There’s 5 of us in all and it’s a rather small school. It’s been brought up multiple times how cute we are as a couple and how sad it would be for the friend group if we broke up. I am scared about what would happen if we did break up, and I just can’t not think about how awkward that would make everyone else feel as well.

I genuinely can’t tell if I ever really liked him romantically in the first place or if it was just first semester of college chaos and he was just there and comforting me during that. I don’t want to hurt him but I am having so many doubts right now. Either way I’m planning to wait a few weeks to see if anything changes, but please let me know your opinions. I just don’t feel like I can really talk to any one of my friends who actually saw us together, since they’re all his friends too. What do you think I should do?

Edit: I would also like to mention that he really helped me out first semester for a bit more background. I ended up with a pretty bad first roommate who just wasn’t very good. She was either always there with a boyfriend, or not there at all. And when she was there, she would always have her back to me or just wouldn’t talk or say anything directly to me. During the first few weeks I was struggling to make friends and socialize with people. I just was not really doing well mentally. I started to just sleep for large amounts of the day because it made me feel a bit better. I met two people from my sports team first(F19 and F18) who then led me to meet my boyfriend. After a few weeks he and his roommate allowed me to go to his room whenever I wanted since mine had pretty much become uncomfortable to me anytime she was in there.

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