Hi everyone,

I(31F)’ve been with my bf(30M) for 2.5 years and leaving together for two of them.

I broke my thumb 5 weeks ago, the first two weeks were really hard to the relationship because i was instructed to not do anything to avoid my bones moving put of place. Not even walking, beacuse i could fall. It was a very hard battle in my brain no to feel useles, and it was made harder by boyfriend telling me that surely I could walk a very busy street that we never get to cross in one single go because the red from the traffic light is too short. We fought, I told him that if it was going to be like this i was better off just going to my moms, and it ended we both of us agreeing we needed to hire help.

So we did that and got better, until i noticed him getting desperate, so e went to a 4 days vacation while I stayed home. As my hand has been feeling better i try to do more things arround.

I thought we were better, but this friday at couples therapy he said he was re thinking the relationship, that he couldnt stand having patience and compasion for me and it hurt me. All those feeling of being useless came back, and i haven been able to get over that.

I’ve been having a very hard week at work and feel exhausted, so i sleept throught the morning until 3, and my bf started playing loud music to wake me up. He told me that if i really wasnt planning to eat and stormed to the kitchen. I sat at the leaving room getting my self together in my phone when he started screaming i i really wanted to starve, that it was already 3 o clock while holding a plate of left over. I asked if there was any left, he told me no, that he thougth i wouldnt eat it because i didnt like it (which is true, but i avoid using a knife becouse of my hand) and stormed again to the kitchen to star cooking, I got upset and told him to just eat, and he told no, because he had to cook so i lost my mind and started screaming. He asked me what was wrong, i told him he started it and to just go eat. He gave up and i started to do evrything out spite, even cleaning my dishes.

I get how he feels and i would be frustrated as well, but i still feel hurt and i am not sure if i am being selfish asking just one more week of him doing the chrores. I dont even know where to start the conversation, how do i stop my self from feeling this angry?, Am i being selfish or do i need this help and patience?

TL;DR!  I broke my thumb and been lees helpfull around the house and my bf and me are screaming at each other for petty things

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