Does anyone have any coping mechanisms how to deal with someone cutting you off?

I met this person and we got on really well and developed a great friendship over a few months, and then suddenly she abruptly cut me off. We still move in the same circles and are in the same environment so we still see each other and now its super awkward. It seems like she doesnt want anything to do wuth me anymore. Its very confusing. This really hurts my feelings as it’s an end to a friendship that I cherished but also very unexplained and the element of not knowing is what’s really eating me up as I feel like I can’t get closure.

Has anyone cut you off out of the blue and it left you feeling terrible about yourself and you started questioning everything?

I keep looking back trying to piece together what I could have done wrong but nothing comes to mind. I have asked what’s wrong but was given a fake “everything’s fine” so just left it.

Just wondering how to deal with this?

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