So when I first started talking to my boyfriend he told me he had heart surgery, he’d never dwell deep in to it and I thought maybe its because he thinks I’m going to leave because of his health issue… I brought it up once after monthss and asked him what it was for(I cant remember what he said tbh but I remember that he brushed it off). Fast forward to today, he took his shirt off and we were cuddling and I noticed that there was no scar on his chest, i dont know what to make about this, surely something as serious as a heart surgery scar does not disappear ???

  1. The surgeon could be skilled where there is no noticeable scar. Or that dude is a sociopath and lied and played the sympathy card to emotionally manipulate. If he didn’t go into much detail about it then it does seem made up. Hard to give a clear story when it is made up.

  2. Look up noninvasive heart surgery, so it’s possible they didn’t have to crack his chest open. I would ask to see if it lines up

  3. Um, there would be a scar. Scars like that don’t disappear.

    Even non invasive would leave a small scar similarly to laparoscopic cuts.

  4. I mean it could have been a heart catheterization procedure where they go in through the leg/groin area. Idk if that’s called heart surgery but a cardiologist would do it for heart disorders of various kinds.

  5. Sounds like he’s one of those people that lie to make conversation. Those people are the worst. They literally lie about shit for no reason. I’d straight up ask him where his scar was.

  6. To my knowledge, putting a stent in can even be done from the arm. I don’t think the lack of scar proofs anything without knowing more details.

  7. There’s a lot of reasons this can be, and often times, healthy skin can grow over surgical scars.

    Source: I’m EMS, the kindergardener’s of the medical world.

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