What misconceptions about your body, puberty, adulthood, etc. did you have as a little girl?

  1. I’ll start! I got reminded of this because of a comment I posted about how when I was little, I thought “growing boobs” was a one time event… like they just sprout one day and that’s your size forever; instead of growing slowly over many years. I also thought that babies popped out of your stomach like magic (when I was like 5), I also didn’t know that only biological females could get pregnant.

    I didn’t know lesbians/gays existed until I was 7, when I found out I was literally dumbfounded and amazed. (I’m female-leaning bi now so that tracks xD)

    I didn’t know how genetics/family worked, there was a little girl named Savanah in my 1st grade class (she was African American, I’m Mediterranean), we found out we had a very similar birthmark in the same place on our arms; so we started telling everyone that meant we were long-lost sisters. Our parents and teacher had to explain to us that it doesn’t work that way… we didnt believe them… so she had the idea to call us “the panda sisters” (because she was black and I was white), so we did, we meant it innocently… but her mother was not too happy about that and had a long talk about how that was offensive-

  2. I thought periods were a one and done thing. Fully after my first one finished, I was like “wow that sucked, glad that’s over”. I was *very* disappointed to hear it was going to keep happening.

    I also got the big “sex before marriage means you’ll go to hell forever” upbringing, but they were so unbelievably squeamish about actually saying what they meant. It wasn’t until after I blew my first bf that I learned what we did was a form of sex 🙃

  3. I thought pregnancy was a must and was something you just lived with for a bit. It was only when I became an adult that I realised how fucking dangerous it is and how much it can fuck you up.

    I gave birth almost 2 years ago and I’m still dealing with various health problems

  4. Big boobs were ideal. Oh I got it fair and ended up with a breast reduction. Lol

  5. One time I saw red water in the toilet after my mom went to the bathroom and I was convinced she was dying!!! Turns out that’s normal, besides not flushing. I was about 7-8 so not too far off from the period talk.

    I also thought you could get pregnant from kissing and/or sleeping next to a boy.

  6. That you will get pregnant everytime you had sex and the only reason you can miss your period is because you are pregnant. I wasn’t aware that many underlying issues causes periods to be missed or delayed.

  7. I didn’t know I had a third hole down there until I did a close reading of a tampon booklet.

  8. When I went through puberty my inner labia changed to a darker color and I thought I had cancer… ☹️😅

  9. I didn’t have a woman in the house during my formative years and so I didn’t learn until my first teenage bladder infection that women are, in fact, supposed to wipe front to back. I have been embarrassed by this for years.

    I genuinely had no one and didn’t know, but I also didn’t just…smear everything together. I knew that much.

  10. Thought nipples were a placeholder for boobs and that they’d disappear when you grew up. Never got titties and nipples never went away …

  11. I was not taught this but I used to think that if you got married it automatically meant you would have a baby…like marriage (the dress, wedding, confetti etc.) was the route to a baby…so I didn’t want to be married 🤦🏾‍♀️🤣

    Crazy. My parents were not married…and funnily enough I do want to be married but am not 🙃😂

  12. I thought, that when I get my first period, I’ll have it every single day until menopause. Thank god I was wrong 😆 I blame the tv ads of pads and tampons like “With the new Always ultra you’ll feel fresh and ready to conquer the world every day” or something like that.

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