td;lr we’re arguing a lot n we been together for 6 1/2 months now

I’m always arguing with my girlfriend whether me or her starting it first. I want to know what to do so we can make this relationship work. We both come from a bad past. We both trust issues but working on it. It’s more on me as I know about her past and she’s been with a lot of guys before just talking no sexual stuff. I have an insecurity about her leaving or cheating on me but I’ve been trying to work on it and trust her more. Whenever we argued, it’s because I said something wrong but I really trying to express my feelings and thoughts to her. I admit I do say more than I should. This is also our first real relationship together as we both been in talking stages or sistuationships.

I want us to work out but I feel like she doesn’t want it to. I know she’s tired of arguing but I just want to talk it out. I need some help guys like fr. Thanks all for replying.

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