My mom went over night to the hospital. Called me the next day and said she might get out that day and ask if I would pick her up so I said yes of course well it got later in the day around 5 PM. Me and my wife went to the gym. My mother called and said that she was getting released so I said OK give me about 30 minutes and I’ll head up there, my wife wanted to have her mom go pick up my mom they’re in their 70s. I said no I wanna go get her. So about 10 min go by and she was on the phone and was telling her mom to go get my mom and I said again no I’ll go. She blew me off and we kept on exercising. Then she tried to talk to me and I told her I was frustrated right now. So she got mad and walked off and left to the car. That literally all I said was I was frustrated. My mom has been in bad health for awhile now. Can’t even hardly walk I just wanted to get her and take her home is all. So now I’m an asshole for telling her I was frustrated and I tried explaining that I said no 2 times about it. I understand that we were in the middle of are gym time and I offered to come back afterwards but she didn’t want to hear any of it. I just think some things are more important than other things sometimes. Now it’s day 2 of silent treatment and she actually wanted me to apologize? I think she is being selfish myself? Also now she is making comments about I should go over there to her house since she’s so important and she is also saying since nobody else can help meaning her mom. I just wanted to get my mom take her to Walgreens for her medicine and take her home.
So what do you guys think?

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