So I’m 23M and I’ve never dated before but I’m just curious, sometimes I wonder if I did have a date long term what stuff I would be talking about on a regular basis… Are the topics repetitive or do you talk about different topics more often than not.. I don’t know why I feel like this is an issue sometimes… I not even antisocial (or maybe I am I dunno) or anything yet I feel if I did have a date this would be an issue of concern even though I’m not gonna be dating anytime soon but I’m still curious I guess….

  1. Sometimes the topics do run dry but that’s not necessarily cause for concern because there’s a bunch of things you can do to generate things to talk about – like watch something together or do a new activity. Daily happenings or conversations with other people can spark new conversations with your partner too.

    Also, 3 months isn’t a very long time, not long enough to have talked about *everything*. Between personal questions, current world happenings, media/entertainment, etc. there’s plenty of ground to explore. I guess it’s really just up to you and your partner to find things that interest you both or encourage each other to talk about specific passions even if it doesn’t fully interest one of you.

  2. I also worry about this too I’ve been seeing this girl for 2 months And I know there’s plenty more to talk about. My issue is that I’ve always sort of been the guy who is satisfied with only knowing the gist of things. It’s some work but I just try to go into more detail with topics we’ve already talked about or approach them at a different angle. Plus current events.

  3. I typically run out of things to talk about after 20 minutes. So i can barely chat before meeting, because those topics would be used up then and the actual date would be quite stale.

    I have like 5 topics i can talk about before i run dry. I mostly hope that the other person carries the conversation and we end up having sex rather sooner than later. I have no idea what people in long term relationships talk about when they used up their topics to talk about after the first date.

  4. When I met my bf we would talk about everything under the sun. We had a lot of conversations about science, books, movies, places to visit, you name it. We weren’t scared to bring up weird topics and we also were fine with patches of silence while we were on the phone. We spoke for hours about deep shit or just talk about random stuff. Just have fun, that is what getting to know people is all about 🙂

  5. Do you run out of things to talk about with friends or family that you’ve known for years/decades? If not, then why would that happen with someone you’re voluntarily choosing to hangout with?

  6. We talk about anything and everything. Whatever is on our minds. It could even be about a car we saw in a parking lot, food, tv, music, work…theres no rules on this.

  7. Sometimes it’s real deal stuff like what biases you’ve seen that you now hold, what was life like growing up in the same town or moving a lot, very personal stuff. But sometimes just stupid shit like who would win in a fight, a tiger or three chimpanzees. Naturally you run out of things to say but that’s why you watch movies or videos together and being up new topics afterwards.

  8. Tbh, we were talking online for a year and still now 6 months in we don’t ever have an issue finding stuff to talk about

    When you guys gel together its effortless

  9. What do you talk about with your friends? I’m willing to bet you just shoot the shit and talk about whatever is interesting to you both. Same with someone your dating since this person should at their core be your friend. Lack of conversation signals either poor communication skills or compatibility issues.

    Talk to women like you would your friends, in respect of not putting pressure on yourself to come up with topics. Obviously you aren’t going to talk to a woman the exact same way you would your friends, but it’s a good mentality to have. And remember that it’s just as much the other person’s responsibility to carry the conversation.

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