TL;DR: Just the title. I’m the only girl in my group at my sports club and I’m not sure how to handle it.

Hi guys, hope everyone is doing well.

So, the title. I recently started talking to this guy from my football club/training thing. I hadn’t really made any friends there ’cause firstly all the other (very few) girls are in a group higher than me and I also am really shy so it’s hard for me to approach people. I took a chance one day and approached this guy and we really hit it off, but now that we’ve started texting, I’m worried he saw it as me making a move on him/being interested in him romantically.

I’m not and now I’m starting to feel really anxious and guilty for “leading him on” in a way. I really don’t know what to do because I just wanted to be more friendly with the guys in my group, not really start like a close friendship with any of them ’cause I know how the story goes. Most guys just end up liking me. But now I don’t know how to handle the situation I’m in.

I really hadn’t considered that it might not have been platonic on his end, which was stupid of me. I was just excited to make a small step in overcoming my shyness. He hasn’t done anything outright that would warrant a conversation so I don’t want to be arrogant and say “btw I’m only looking for friendship” but I also want to nip this thing in the bud before he develops actual feelings/expectations which will make things hurt more.

I’m not socially skilled enough for this lol – any tips? Also general tips on how to handle “friendships” with the guys in my group going forward? I want to feel comfortable/friendly with them because we spend a lot of time together but I don’t want to lead anyone on or get too close. It’s just unfortunate that I’m in a group of all guys.

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