So basically being a man it shouldnt bother me but bruh I take a bus everyday to reach certain destination and theres this weird middle age man (45) always tries to give/reserve seats for the teen ppl and is too much friendly with them and today he gave a sit in the bus next to him to me and he asked me abt my shirt,jeans and underwear size .. 💀 and was keeping his hand around my shoulder and all … saying things like you got a nice personality etc.. what’s your weight then like where r you going.. I think hes gay? What should I do I dont want to deal with him everyday . The thing is theres only one bus which takes me to my destination on time and that fellow is in that bus.. suggest me what should I do about this?

  1. Don’t brush your teeth in the morning & do it when you get to your destination. But jokes aside, after hearing the recent updates on the Delphi murder of two girls by a pedo, I prefer you arm yourself to be safe.

  2. Video record him on your phone as evidence then confront him in front of the entire bus. He will likely just get off at the next stop and run away. He might need reporting for predatory tendencies towards minors but without evidence, confronting him will lead nowhere other than startling him.

  3. You should file a complaint against him if your aren’t feeling safe. These disgusted people should be put behind the bars and their penis should be chopped off.

  4. Tell the police? Even if you get him to leave you alone, he’ll choose someone else.

  5. First, why shouldn’t it bother you being a man? Emotions are information for action, there’s nothing manly about not having them and being an unfeeling robot.

    What I would do is tell this person that their behavior makes me uncomfortable and tell them to stop. If he asks inappropriate questions, don’t answer them. You have ever right to set your boundaries with strangers and ignore people completely. You are not obligated to be nice to this person.

  6. LOUDLY tell him “Stop touching me, you’re making me uncomfortable”. Don’t be shy, don’t ever let someone touch you without your consent.

  7. Call the authorities, or tell the bus driver

    You could save someone from a very traumatic experience in the future with this person

  8. Do not accept the seat he offers. Look directly into his eyes and say “I don’t like you. Leave me alone.”

    Next step, police.

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