Hi – So anonymous for reasons.

TLDR – Dating a dancer, I love her, but she is so jealous. I feel like its a double standard but maybe i don’t get it

I’m (30M) dating a girl (25F) who dances at a strip club. I wont go into it but suffice it to say she doesn’t have a lot of options but school isn’t an option and she has tried A LOT of things for work. But anyway… We’ve been dating a year or so. Things have been incredible. Over time, i have gotten really used to her dancing and it doesn’t bother me much… usually. She can make good money and even though i make decent money, she still likes to pay for everything lol. We play fight over it but its cute. But yeah… Win win right? We have traveled the world. We have an apartment together. We do things all the time. We have a great time and i feel we are madly in love with each other. Weird, but other than the below, this is the best relationship i’ve ever had.

Problem – lately (last few months or so) she has been EXTREMELY jealous. I mean… I’m supposed to accept that she can see guys at the club or whatever, but she actually gets really crazy about stuff… including stuff in my past. I’ll give a few examples –

1. I work in a hospital so I work around a lot of women. She gets FIGHTING mad if any of these women have to talk to me outside of work (e.g. – a nursing supervisor or scheduling issue). She actually think that every woman around me no matter where we go wants me. lol no. She wants to know why I would let any woman would ever talk to me, why it has to be me, who she is, is she cute, is she sexy (yes 2 different things), etc etc etc. This is super annoying because i’m on call quite often and its really important for me be responsive. But when i do, and she’s around, its almost always being annoyed time. Mind you – i’ve never been out with any of these women. But i’ve been working there since before i met her so there’s no way to prove that i guess?

2. Went through my phone (which i don’t mind at all) and went TO THE APP STORE LOL and found out that although i did not have it installed, i had installed a dating app at some point. it was NOT on my phone and I haven’t used this nonsense in years lol. I even downloaded it for her and my last match and message was from early 2022. She was still super mad because apparently its there in case I feel the need to look for other girls lolwut how do I fix this?

Seriously lol I’m thinking like Jesus you (insert derogatory phrase about her job even though i would NEVER say any of this out loud) and she gets upset if i have any female friends(?). I was at a bar with her, and her best friend was there, and she actually said out loud “There is no reason for HIM to have any female friends, he has me” and i’m like… ok but you literally talk to and do stuff to and with random men all night lol. Not that it justifies it, i just think its kind of ridiculous to be jealous?

I know this is one sided but….. Am I crazy? She always tells me i’m in the wrong here. Like… what am I supposed to do here? I really am trying to understand. I may be blowing this out of proportion and i thought she was joking about all of this but really… like… she found out about someone I dated a few years ago…. found out that they do the same thing that I do, and seriously thinks I’m going to seek her out because I want someone with similar career interests lol. someone help me.

  1. Ahh ha ha I recognise this. I have dated 2 strippers/dancers/other. The first one was nuts, always working, travelling for shows, busy etc. but she was super jealous of everyone and anything, nice girl but I had to finish it as I could never find peace when I was with her. I think because she had a rough life she was super possessive as I was the one stable, strong male figure she could rely on that didn’t just want to use her as an object. Good luck, but it won’t get easier.

  2. Not every situation is the same. I will say the thing you don’t want to hear. I have dated strippers and escorts. This same thing happened with 2 of them. She is cheating on you and accusing you of doing what she is guilty of. She is making you be defensive and fishing for a chance that you have cheated and will confess. Justifying her actions and making it your fault. Start paying attention to her routines and if she starts being vague about her day. Never want a fellow man to go through this, but hope I can help you to realize it sooner.

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