I met this guy through bumble app and we have been going on amazing dates for our fourth date and slept over each others place like 3 times. So I invited him to my friends gathering.

I thought the night went well until I caught up my friends the next day. They verbally said they hated him. Apparently, while I was gone to the bathroom for 15 minutes, he approached my friend and was extremely flirtatious towards
her. To the point where she asked why aren’t you talking to another friend who’s a girl and right next to them and he was like “oh she’s too shy” and continued to talk only to her.

I honestly was talking to someone else at the time after returning from the bathroom and thought he was getting to know my close friends and was happy about it. But apparently He kept asking her about her dating history why she’s single and about her ex-boyfriend. She verbally told him to please stop talking about this topic, but I don’t think he understood and kept asking relationship related questions. My friend finally asked aren’t you dating Sophia (my pseudo name)? he said no I’m not dating anyone. And that’s when my she immediately yelled at me across the room and said “hey Sophia, john (pseudo name) just told me he isn’t dating you.” I reacted like “whaaaattt??!” And apparently he made a shrugging face back at my friend as if like “why is she mad.” My friend yelled at him and said “well go do something about it she’s mad” and that’s when he scurries over to me.

I honestly thought it was a miscommunication. Because technically this is just our 5th date and we aren’t officially exclusive yet.

But what makes me mad is that he was actively flirting with my friend and even touched her thigh.

All my other friends who were there and listened told me that he clearly doesn’t think me seriously and that he was high key flirting with my best friend.

The problem is … the way my friends describe him and how he is with me just one on one is so different. I was honestly shocked.

I want to listen to my friends and break it off with him. But I decided to forgive him and see what he plans for my birthday. Mainly because he strongly denies flirting with her and that he’s only interested in me. This is despite 5 of my friends who were nearby saying the same narrative. So who is lying? He is probably a master manipulator or a clever liar. But I still believe him … I don’t know why maybe it’s because I like him a lot and I didn’t see it with my own two eyes.

Am I wrong for ignoring what everyone’s telling me? I want to form my own opinion about him because outside of this he is fine.

I feel horrible though that he pissed my friends off and that I could no longer invite him to gatherings.

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