I’m talking emotionally stirring, stop-in-your-tracks, breath-catchingly beautiful. The kind you feel in your body and soul.

  1. The rising sun lighting up the early morning clouds above the polder.


    Edit: or seeing the sun sinking into the sea, sitting in the dunes overlooking an empty beach.

  2. My ex’s voice. And not just her singing voice. Idk what it was but it was just, so beautiful and calming to me. I’ve never felt that way by someone’s normal speaking voice.

  3. women – some are like poetry.. great looking, beautiful.. kind hearted.. tbh

  4. Some women.
    And of course nature sometimes, a red sky during sunset, a mountain landscape, the typical things.
    And of course, music can do that too.

  5. When my wife went into labor with our first, it was a 28 hour labor and delivery. It happened two weeks before due date. Her folks were out of town and 8 hours away. I called my MIL and told her what was going on. They got in the car and started heading our way. They got to the hospital and waited outside. When the birth of our daughter was imminent, she asked for her mother to come in. I didn’t even know this was a thing. I wasn’t aware some women would want their mother’s there. But she asked for her. I’ll never forget my MIL coming in to the delivery room and she was all smiles and she ran over to her daughter to hug her and said, “Baby girl……you’re gonna have a baby!!!” My wife has always called her mother, “Mom” but for some reason in that moment, and she was mid contraction, she cried out “mommy!” That really caught my attention. Some men might feel marginalized by what happened next. She completely ignored me and locked eyes with her mom and her mom coached and encouraged her as together they brought daughter/granddaughter into the world. And both cried when the baby cried. Hell, I cried. I swear the entire moment and imagery was quite overwhelming. There was A LOT of maternity on display in that moment. Easily up there in the top 5 of beautiful moments I’ve experienced in my life.

  6. Music. I have pretty diverse tastes and music can be so beautiful I almost fall apart.

  7. The ocean and sailing. I’m a Navy veteran, and the most memorable experience of my life was my submarine pinning ceremony on the bridge. After it was over, I stayed up there for an hour, riding into the sunset, smoking a cigar. I’m one of the few people in existence to have done such a thing.

  8. That moment of peace and quiet on weekends when I wake up in the morning, sit by my open window in the living room with my dog in my lap, listening to some soft music, drink my cup of coffee, and just forget about everything I have to do or the stress of the week leading up to this.

    Sounds corny maybe, I’m an old person in a young mans body lol.

  9. Honestly, the only time in my 40 years I can recall having a response that strong to Anything was when I fell in love with a beautiful young Mexican queen. Her eyes were hypnotic, and she would catch me staring and smile… I would melt every single time.

    She didn’t think she was beautiful enough to have that sort of impact on me, and I told her over and over that there was no words to describe the way I felt just looking at her.

    I was obsessed. Maybe even at an unhealthy level. I would have done absolutely anything for her. She could do no wrong. She was perfect in my eyes. She would point out her flaws and insecurities to me and I would tell her how much I loved them because they were a part of her and she was my perfect, beautiful queen.

    She told me she loved me after a few weeks. She was scared to say it because her heart had been broken severely by the last person she loved. He was manipulative and controlling, and she lost all of her self confidence and lost herself. They had been married for several years and he cheated on her a lot, but had convinced her it was somehow her fault. I couldn’t understand how such an amazing person could be so unsure about themselves and have such low self worth. I did everything I could to show her how much she meant to me and that she deserved to be worshipped like the queen she was.

    I already knew I was in love with her when she told me she loved me. I was infatuated with her from the moment I met her. And then I got to know her and I fell in love hard. She said she had never loved anyone with this much intensity. She said we were soulmates. She said I saved her.

    We talked about the future constantly. We had plans of moving in together. We talked about the wedding. She introduced me to her family. Everything was perfect.

    She just needed to finalize her divorce. They had been separated for several months before we met, and she said in reality the marriage was over very early on. I remember when I was telling my grandma everything about her and my grandma said that I needed to be careful because it could get messy since she was still legally married and she would hate to see me get hurt. I assured her there wasn’t an issue because her and her ex were in agreement that it was 100% over. My grandma said she had never seen me so happy and wished me the best.

    We were together for about a year when one day she sent me a text saying that she had been talking with her ex for a while and decided that she had too much time and energy invested in their relationship, and she loved me, but couldn’t walk away from the marriage without making sure there was no way to repair it, but if it didn’t work out I would be the first person she called.

    I’ve never had that breath-taking feeling about anything or anyone else.

    And I hate that when her memory creeps into my head and I see that look, that smile, I still get that feeling from her.

  10. Nature.

    Good plot twists with emotional baggage.

    Some animals.

    Gir’s faces (but those kind of girls are very rare, never seen one irl).


    Visual art.

    Actions of some people.

  11. Tbh such a wife variety of factors played into it. Ive definitely had the same effect within other lsd trips too.

    I would likely say these factors were the
    Biggest contribution factors on my first trip more specifically-

    -The realisation of many worldly/almost law of physic type realisations which in turn relieve a lot of stress and ‘unknown’ about life itself.

    -A sudden euphoric blast that lasted for about 4 hours and resided with me for about a year. (I would say I was truly incredibly happy for about a year but unfortunately fell back into a slightly depressive state however have recently rekindled the spirit yet again lmao, and without lsd btw I have not used lsd for a few years now) (this euphoria is also present with other trips and substances).

    -deep realisations about family/friend’s/worries/insecurities ect everything finally made sense. Everything. In that very moment I could have died with complete blissfulness and satisfaction in life.

    -The astonishment at the visuals and things i was seeing. (I csnt remember specificslly what i saw) lots of patterns/colour changes/distortions. But also mild to extreme ‘hallucinations’ (I do not deem them hallucinations due to experiencing joint trips before. This term only trippers will know but I have seen and experienced the same thing as friends while tripping essentially)

    -inner realisations around death, life, afterlife ect

    Just a combination of such a multitude of factors.

  12. The stars. I try to see them every clear night. Something about looking at the moon, stars, and planets makes fee at ease. I got to see something burn up in the atmosphere a few days ago. I don’t know if it was a meteor or man made space junk but it was the biggest ball of spark throwing cosmic fire I have ever seen. An amazing sight.

  13. The sky around 9pm last night was beautiful. it was mostly dark out but there was still some light left in the sky. You could see the clouds still. Such a varying amount of blues. I just wanted to stair at it with a friend and have conversations about life.

  14. A tree with dark bark and a little bit of snow on it’s branches

    Piano mixed in with almost any genera of music

    A well designed tool


  15. Good music. Some songs can just end up giving you goosebumps, tears and make you realise the beauty in them.

  16. It was a moment.

    I took a four wheeling trip through a Mexican jungle. We drove through a small town and then back into the jungle and I saw some weird cloudiness ahead. As we approached, I realized it was moving and alive, and slowed down.

    Got closer and it was a massive cloud of orange and black butterflies. Like at least a hundred of them. I was pretty overwhelmed.

  17. A clear blue sky. It’s really rare to have a clear blue sky. I can just sit there and stare up into it.

  18. Getting up in the early morning and staring out the window on an empty stretch of sand and out across the sea towards the horizon; when the sun is rising blood red reflecting off the inky water and a deadly storm is blackening the horizon.

  19. The sky, the sea, the movement of the leaves in a wind, spiderwebs, the panoply of various biological forms, the cosmic expanse at night away from light pollution, lava churning out of a volcano, the incredible things that humans can accomplish when united, random acts of kindness, the visions I have in a deep psychedelic state, a finely crafted poem, religious art/iconography.

  20. The way my girlfriend is there for me if I ever need her. If something is wrong and I reach out to her no matter what she is doing she will be there for me. Also the fact that she deals with me on my bad days and treats me so well I am a lucky man to call her my girlfriend

  21. Oddly enough, Chernobyl. Even after such a terrible disaster, there is life. That is the most beautiful thing to me.

  22. A well composed song. It’s enough to make me cry out of happiness.

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