So, I (22F) have a best friend (23M) that has really been getting on my nerves lately. The main reason being that he is so negative all the time, and it is emotionally exhausting to me.

It seems to me that he is always finding the worst in things and only ever wants to complain. Whenever I don’t agree with something he’s upset about, he gets offended that I’m not supporting him and says he has a “right” to complain. It feels like when we hang out, I’m always trying to cheer him up over something he’s upset about. I also feel like what he’s generally upset about, is something that he took too personally or differently than others would, as me and most of our friends would not be that hung up over. He equates it all to his “bad luck”, to which he genuinely believes is worse than everyone else’s. This has also started to really bother me because everyone goes through stuff and has “bad luck”, and there’s a lot he has going for him that would be deemed “lucky”. Not only that, but whenever I show him something I like/find interesting, he always has something negative to say about it.

Now, I know this sounds horribly judgmental and unfair, but let me explain. For example, we went to a food truck the other day. I ordered first, paid, went to wait for food, no big deal. He orders, the employee gets his order slightly wrong, he doesn’t correct them and pays, comes to sit next to me and immediately starts complaining about how ridiculous it is that the employee got it wrong and how much he hates awkward encounters in food service. Now imagine that, but for every single activity or thing we do. I show him a cool photography account, he talks about how bad and copycat it is compared to someone he knows. I show him a song I like, he talks about how it’s exactly the same as the other songs by the artist.

It feels like it’s this all the time and it makes me feel like shit. So, I want to talk to him about it, in hopes of him recognizing that his complaints/vents, while not meaning to do any harm, have an impact on those around him.

So I wrote down what I’d like to say to him and would like some advice on how it sounds/ or just general tips on how to go about this talk. I do plan on having this convo either in person or over the phone btw.

This is what I have so far:

I would like you to try to go to others for support more often rather than coming to me. I’m sorry, but even if you feel like you cannot go to someone else, I cannot handle being the one you vent to so frequently. Im a negative person on my own and it can be really hard to stay positive listening to you sometimes, and it can be emotionally exhausting feeling like I need to cheer you up. It’s come to the point where it feels like you find the bad stuff in things and when I show you something, you find some way to shit on it. I really don’t mean to offend you in this, I want to be friends with you and this isn’t something I want to come between us. But it hurts my feelings when you continuously complain about things that I try to enjoy, and it has really begun to wear on me emotionally.

  1. Negative people pull you down. You can’t fix him. He needs years of therapy.

    Either distance yourself or push back and tell him to stop ….or both.

  2. Surround yourself with people that help you live the best version of your life. Everyone has negative days but you need friends with generally have a positive can do attitude.

  3. What you’ve got looks fine. Just know that even if you come up with the perfect words and say them perfectly there’s a pretty good chance he’s going to react negatively anyway. Try not to let him turn it into you comforting him.

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