As we are closing in towards the EU elections, the immigration topic is as hot as ever. For many people in Europe, it seems to be the most important topic. So important, in fact, that it’s shaping the political landscape and pushing far right parties forward as they are perceived as the only ones with at least some answers to the problem.

I’m a young adult living in a major European capital where demographic changes due to immigration is very evident. I have a good job and earn well, and never have I felt threatened or intimidated by immigrants, at least not more so than from locals. I don’t feel my job is being taken by immigrants, nor do I feel my lifestyle and values are threatened by the presence of cultures that might be very different than mine.

I do recognize that cultural frictions exist, but I see it as a problem that resolves over time. All in all, the issue for me is not so important as to wholly define my political stance or voting habits.

I recognize my situation is anecdotal and specific, why prompts me to ask the following questions.

How does immigration affect you (negatively) in your daily life, if so?

Why is immigration the primary topic shaping political discourse in Europe?

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