1. After a bike ride I was having stomach ache, he could not even comfort me. We came home, he said take meds and that’s it. He got busy in his phone. And I just thought wait when he is sick or having a basic headache I go all about taking care of him from soothig words, hugs, food etc and this is bare minimum that I expected. when confronted he said so what do I do? I can take u to a hospital. I felt deeply sad.
Was i wrong? Was i expecting too much?

2. He is emotionally a big zero. He says he is a winner in life ( he is doing good for a 32 y old) but he can’t do all this emotional shit. This emotional thing is important to me.

3. During the whole break up fight he started saying things like- how will you tell your mom (she also likes me), how will you tell your frnds about the break up, how I dated all wrong ones in the past and now I have him so I should be glad and not mess it up.

4. I told him I can’t be with a man who is unkind, disrespectful and has zero empathy. To which he said you won’t get a better guy than me now (hinting I am 36 and won’t get a good guy he is 32) I said even u won’t get a better girl than me to which he said ya of u to say so. How cocky can one be?

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