We are not completely long distance. We meet on weekends. Whenever we have sex, after him finishing he either is on his phone browsing something (he is a nerd) or goes to take a shower or does something. 1/10 times he will lay and cuddle. I am on birth control and most of the days I am spotting so usually when he tries to finger me I get little shy or embarrassed and just try to close my knees indicating a no but not explicitly saying it coz I do wanna be pleasured. He says that he wants me to feel pleasured and that he will do this or he wants to try something but never does. How do I bring it up to him that not everytime but at least once every weekend he can try to pleasure me while comforting me. He says he is okay with fingering me while I am bleeding. I am not blaming him for not pleasuring me coz I turn around or make excuses but how do I bring it up to him politely?

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