I found out yesterday my husband snorted half a pill his drug addict brother offered him. I am beyond angry. We have a son together and I’m pregnant with our 2nd child. I feel so betrayed that not only did he hide this from me, but that he even did it in the first place. I only found out because his dad told me and he admitted to it. He has a history of recreational drug use (peyote, acid) and smokes weed. I’m okay with the weed. But this crossed a huge line for me and he simply just doesn’t think it’s a big deal.
It leaves me wondering what is next in his path. I don’t know how to get over this. How would you get over this?

TLDR: my husband snorted half a pill behind my back, kept it a secret, now I’m pissed wondering what to do.

  1. The fact that he snorted it says it all.. he didn’t tell you for a reason.

  2. Why do you feel you should “get over this”? This was a big boundary for you and he stepped over it with zero remorse….that doesnt leave much of a path for reconciliation. Either you stay with this guy and expect more of the same or you have to be willing to leave.

  3. I am worried there is no such thing as “only one half of one pill” for someone who has a history of substance abuse /addiction.

  4. This feels very much like you need to either make a decision and stick with it or deal. Your guy likes drugs and doesn’t care what you think. That won’t change. What will you do about that?

  5. If you don’t want to be with someone who uses drugs, why are you with someone who uses drugs?

  6. I’d talk to my husband about it instead of asking the bad advice website.

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