Can anyone help process the interaction I had today?

I’ve been trying to put myself out there more. I thought a gal looked good at the supermarket so i approached her, here is the conversation we had:

Me: “Hi, i’m sorry to bother you, but my name is X and i thought you and your glasses were really cute”

Her: “Oh thank you, that’s really sweet of you to say, you are good looking too!”

Me: “Is there any chance of me getting your number? I wanted to shoot my shot in the grocery store”

Her: “Umm no, but do you have an instagram?”

Me: “Oh, i dont have Instagram, I have reddit and snapchat thats about it”

Her: “I dont use those very often”

(then there was a pretty awkward silence… i didnt exactly know how to respond)

Me: “No worries, well i hope you have a great day”

I was kind of taken aback. She said i was good looking too and seemed into a conversation, but whats with the Instagram need? Is that how people talk now instead of texting? I just wasnt really sure how to respond. I havent had real social media since my ex made me delete all of them like 8 years ago and havent looked back. I just left the conversation feeling happy i got a compliment, but kinda bummed i didnt leave with a number? Any clues?

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