29 year old F started seeing a man from hinge for about 3 months now. We both since date 1 shared what we are looking for is something long term, looking for a serious relationship but not in a rush. Since then we have seen each other every week. Here is where it gets…confusing.

He is not very affectionate or touchy…but he was extra touchy and kissing in the first 2 dates. I brought it up to him, he said he didnt grow up in an affectionate family. I empathized and hoped he could meet me halfway.

He doesnt kiss me, he never tells me affectionate things. we did not have the “what are we discussion” I do not want to be the first person to initiate or lead that conversation. I feel every-time I try to have a vulnerable honest discussion, he is uncomfortable. but then recently he invited me to see his childhood friends and thats where I learned that he was telling his friends he met someone ” wonderful, smart” things he never shows me. He also mentioned he told about me to his siblings…

What really annoyed me was before this event, I noticed he was changing his pictures on hinge ( where we met) I confronted him the night we came back from meeting his friends because it was inconsistent and he did not answer why he changed the picture that day but said I am the only person he is seeing…

Is he afraid of intimacy? or is he playing games?

Would love a male perspective. For context this is a man who is very …bro ish on the surface. Grew up in a pretty high male energy household, works in finance and is very focused on his work etc.

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