I am in the UK and haven’t lived here that long. I have one friend who always (once a week or so) says “Hey! I have a spare ticket to [movie/play] do you want to come?”

At first I thought it was nice, but then I realized there’s no actual socializing, it’s just sit watch the thing and leave. I feel like a spare ticket collector.

I don’t have that many real friends here and I’ve known her the longest (7 years) and I thought we were close. But I want to actually socialize or have meaningful interactions, or at least plan something fun mutually.

So this is making me sad even though I should probably be grateful? Idk, it’s weird and I don’t like it. :/

Actually a lot of my interactions with people here are “do you want to do X” (like see a film) and I’m like no! I want to walk around and chat or just chill, why does it always have to be going to a film? I feel like an accessory.

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