Things between me and my husband have been really off for a couple months and when I tried talking to him about it, it was always “I’m fine. Everything is fine.”

I finally caved and I stupidly looked in his phone. I should not have done this. I wish I hadn’t. He’s not having an affair or anything, but I saw conversations between him and his mother and he’s just constantly bitching and complaining about me over the smallest things. He says insulting things about me to her and she will agree with him. Everything I’ve ever told him in confidence, all my insecurities, all my deepest traumas, he’s told her everything. She knows way more about me than I am comfortable with. I get the feeling that he doesn’t have any respect for me or my privacy. I feel that he has so much resentment and contempt for me. I’ve never said anything bad about him to anyone. I’ve only ever bragged about him and I put him up in a pedestal. I guess it’s a one sided relationship. My mother in law is always so nice to me to my face, and here I find out that these two are constantly talking shit about me behind my back. I know it was wrong to look in his phone. It’s hypocritical because I am upset he’s violated my trust and privacy, but I did the same thing to him…. Maybe he just vents to his mom a lot, maybe he hates me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to go from here. I know I’m never talking to him or telling him anything ever again, I don’t trust him now because whatever I say to him will get back to his mom.

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