I found my husband’s secret instagram account 1 year ago. I did not mention it to him.

I still feel weird and have doubts. We both watch porn and are generally very open with each other about who we are attracted to. I am very confident in my body and never doubted his attraction to me until I found this account. On his account, he was following hundreds of instagram models. He is logged into a shared desktop so I check his dms now and then and have never found anything. He either isn’t dming the models or is deleting the dms. I am not sure why he would hide this from me, especially because I had asked him if he used instagram for masturbation before and he said no.

I intended on not bringing this up to him. As I thought about it over the course of the year, I have gotten more hurt and have been dwelling on this secret account. In the past year he has not been as affectionate with me and I am not sure what changed. This coupled with the secret account is putting severe doubts in my head.

I didn’t realize how upset I was over this until recently and I fear it is too late to bring it up to him. Am I in the wrong for feeling hurt about this account? Why am I hurt over this when I am okay with him watching porn? How do I stop this from ruining my relationship? Should I bring it up to him?

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