So this month my friend canceled a plan and said it’s cause of a family thing and I was understanding about that and then hanged out with his other friends and that made me feel so bad.I feel like that snowballed in me talking about other issues I have in the friendship like his lack of initiating and I feel like he asks to see my art but then does a weak smile when he actually sees it cause he doesn’t really like my art like that.

Idk what to do like I wanted to stop feeling bad but I feel like I talked about it to much cause I feel like he says sorry but doesn’t really change in this aspect.I feel now that he thinks it’s more of a hastle to maintain this friendship cause I’m very sensitive and I think I’m being to much of a burden on his life cause he’s acting more irritated lately.

We did take a class together to hang out but he’s kind of failing cause he took the class to just hang out and I feel bad like I said pls don’t drop it and I’m worried if he’ll fail.

I feel like I didn’t approach confronting them with my problems in the right way cause I think we are even on each nerves more now like we don’t make positive assumptions anymore and idk if the friendship can recover so idk if I should cut my losses.

I feel like I’m not Impacting his life in a positive way enough

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