He has a very high libido, wants sex daily/twice a day. On vacations the number goes way up( Record, 9x in one night).

Ive never complained, i am also normally pretty active in that regard. Only issue has always been that ‘sessions’ are too long. He want 45 mins/hour, i prefer 30mins max & i like quickies (he doesn’t). The reason is, i come pretty quickly and afterwards i am drowsy to the point that it must seem to him that i’m stoned af.

The real issue though is, lately ive been really stressed, multiple (inter/)personal & academic issues, and my selfesteem and libido are suffering. I really want to just have sex max twice a week, or just some quickies. Am tired and lethargic 😅.

Brought it up lightheartingly, jokingly and also in serious convo… but the Subject makes him extremely uncomfortable and he shuts down. What am i to do? Everytime i have to force myself to have sex just to spare his feelings, i get even more turned off. I am afraid that ill never want to initiate sex again.

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