Hello, and thank you for reading my post. There are two women in my life who I love and care about deeply and feel the same about me. I’ll refer to them as Woman A and B in this post. I’m looking to marry in the next few years and want to have kids. Either of the women I mentioned would make incredible partners and mothers, making my decision seem impossible.

Woman A: For 4 years, I dated this woman. She blossomed from a party girl into a responsible, smart, wonderful woman. For times sake, I will just say she has almost every quality one should have in a positive long term relationship. The only cons are that she likes to drink (I don’t drink) and the sex is just meh. I cared about A deeply but I couldn’t help but wonder what else was out there — so I ended things. Shortly after, I met Woman B.

Woman B: My relationship with B was electric. I felt incredible when I was with her and we have similar lifestyles. The best way I can describe our relationship is that our energies seem to always be in sync. The sex is beyond incredible and actually improved and never got old even after 2 years.

Despite what seemed to be a perfect relationship with B, I could never stop missing and wanting to try again with A. There was a feeling of peace and deep love from A that always stayed with me. This led me to back out of the relationship to reflect.

Should I see if it’s worth rekindling what I had with A or move on and focus on B? What are some things I can consider to help me make my decision.

Thank you sincerely for your input.

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