
Using a throwRa acct because she has more normal acct. I (27m) Recently reconnected with an old friend (27f) and we have been spending a lot of time together. I always found her very attractive and such a sweet kind soul but I think the universe was waiting for the right time. We reconnect via social media last week and since then we’ve hung out every other day and if not, everyday. I thought at first she may not be into me like I am to her but after talking with close friends who see us together, it seems like the feelings are mutual. We both came from troubled past relationship in which from our conversation it seems like we both not only identified our flaws but worked on them and ourselves. I never can read the signs for myself. She could straight up ask me on a date and I would question if she means as a friend or more so I came to Reddit to hear everyone and else’s thoughts. Since hanging out, these are some signs I’ve noticed. While I do have feelings for her, I have been nothing more than a really good friend. I have cooked her dinner a few times now and take her out to eat as well.

1. Very intense eye contact
2. Friend mentioned a joke about her and someone else getting together and she replied with (no chance, that would be wrong! What about (insert my name)
3. Laughs at jokes that I say. Even the ones rhat I don’t even find funny
4. Very touchey around me
5. Sticks up for me even in situations that people are just messing around
6. Hypes me up on my very poor video game skills
7. Had deep conversations about past relationships troubles, attachment styles ect..
8. Planning trips/things to do months down the road

While they all seem like positive signs this is what has been holding me back.

1. We met through a social media page designed to make friends
2. She has a really bubbly personality. While she doesn’t seem as bubbly/flirty with anyone else like me, it is how she is.
3. Mentioned a few times that “relationships suck” and “ I like being single because it’s less stressful” indicating she doesn’t want a relationship
4. Since we reconnected I really enjoy her in my life and I don’t want to come off as a weirdo or read the room wrong and loose her as a friend. I don’t have a lot so it’s very nice to connect with someone so fast/so well and I would hate to loose to all together.
5. While she does come over a lot, she is also childhood friends with my roommate

So my question is

1. Based off what I provided she seems into me and I’m just over thinking the situation?
2. Is there a good way to test the waters before making a move to make sure she doesn’t feel any pressure?
3. What’s the best way to ask her to hang out but clarify it’s a date not a friendly hang out?

I really don’t want to mess it up. Friends or more she’s a breath of fresh air. Prior to her arrival, my life was and still is chaotic but she brings so much peace and I think that’s why I am so nervous to do anything. Thank you in advanced!

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