Where I live, its accepted that if someone doesn’t vote they’re not allowed to have opinions about the countries economy, politics and infrastructure, they get berated when they try to do so and its generally the social norm, what is it like in America, do you look at someone different when they tell you they don’t vote? If so why and what goes through your mind.

  1. I don’t really care.

    Anecdotally, I’ve never seen anyone get any negative push back for saying they don’t vote.

  2. I’m actually kind of jealous. People literally don’t care about politics. Sometimes I feel to invested. Also doesn’t help to be crushed by corrupt politicians

  3. I think you’re still allowed and have a right to express your opinion if you don’t vote.

    It just makes me think less of that opinion but maybe some folks don’t vote out of protest or because they genuinely can’t agree with either major party or third party candidate. I’d have to take it on a case by case basis I suppose

  4. Some don’t like it, others don’t care, some prefer it as it helps them win. The opinions vary.

    Personally for me, I rather people not vote if they have no vested interest in it and don’t have anyone in mind they want to win. We have the right to vote and not vote, I’m not going to look down on those who choose not to.

  5. I don’t really care. The don’t vote, don’t complain attitude is pretty common I guess, but I don’t even mind that. Because I get it, for many it’s taking time out of a presumptive work day to vote for something they don’t care about and/or their vote is essentially meaningless if they live in a politically homogenous area.

  6. Some people here who don’t vote actually *brag* about it. They think they’re a big maverick making a revolutionary choice, while everyone else was too “dumb” to think of it.

    Honestly more people should vote even if they don’t like either candidate. Our representatives are so out of whack because of the lack of voting.

  7. I look down on them. Especially considering what our ancestors went thru to be able to vote.

  8. It’s your vote. You don’t have to use it. If you don’t bother to research candidates I would prefer you don’t vote.

  9. It’s vitally important that you *have* the right to vote. I don’t see exercising that right as a sacred holy thing. I don’t think very many people do. If you choose to do nothing, you’re still making a choice.

    There *are* a few people who see voting as a sacred act, and would even like to make it mandatory and punish people who don’t vote. But that’s a small, fringe group. Almost everyone is indifferent.

  10. I couldn’t care less until the same person starts to complain about some politics they didn’t vote on (willingly didn’t)

  11. In the immortal Words of Puff Daddy “Vote or Die motha fucker, Motha Fucker vote or die!”

  12. I think they’re just like any other American. I don’t care if they don’t want to vote. Choices are awful anyways.

  13. I seriously want to know what percentage of Americans who are Trump supporters didn’t vote for him and believe the election was rigged.

  14. Its the right of a citizen to vote or not. It doesn’t matter to me if another person votes or not

  15. I don’t really think it’s bad if you don’t. I used to think you were wasting a right that you had. However nowadays, when the choices are a giant douche vs a turd sandwich, I couldn’t blame some for not voting…

  16. I think they’re the type to complain about issues in their lives that they never make an effort to fix, or they’re unthinking contrarians.

    And I don’t respect it.

  17. I assume that they are generally irresponsible, uninformed, and have strong opinions about how government policy should be.

  18. I don’t care about the political opinions of people who can vote, but don’t.

  19. I’d rather they don’t vote if they’re not informed or if they’re consuming trash news like Facebook, Fox, OAN, etc. An informed electorate is essential.

  20. If people don’t know enough to make a rational choice they shouldn’t vote.

    I obstain whenever I’m not qualified to make a decision. I should have been paying more attention.

  21. Generally no one cares and it is quite rude to ask who you voted for. Our federal government is so corrupt, who is in charge doesn’t matter. The reason half the people do not vote is apathy. I vote because my wife forces me to. I always vote against the incumbent.

    I watch the debates thoughand I always come away with, “ok, neither of them is qualified.” This is especially true at the local level.

  22. I think it depends, when I was out of state during elections I had to vote in the state I was in. I voted for the big ones I knew, but I felt I wasn’t informed enough and it wasn’t my place to vote on the others.

  23. All political parties suck and all politicians are corrupt fools so I have no problem with anyone who refrains from supporting the political circus status quo.

    I more look down on anyone who is madly supportive of a political party or politician instead of admitting they are all terrible and complicit in mismanaging the country.

    Hold your nose and vote if you want to or don’t vote but do not insult my intelligence by pretending there is a good politician or political party out there.

  24. I don’t vote because of the people who have been running. I’m not voting for a lesser evil if we’re fucked either way and idfc if people don’t vote. It’s your right and you still have the right to an opinion.

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