My girlfriend works in a pretty small team and one of her colleagues is around 15 years older than her. Her colleague has a 9 year old daughter and has been in a relationship with a guy for around 6 months now. My girlfriend has mentioned a few times that her colleague has said her bf has a problem with drinking and gets angry after a drink.

My gf comes home last night and says her colleague told her that her bf had a drink and trashed the house. He put holes in walls, smashed cupboards, threw things around the room and just screamed abuse at her colleague. While this was happening the child was hiding in a wardrobe crying and was terrified.

My gf said her colleague is staying with her partner. I told my gf that someone needs to report them to social services since the child doesn’t deserve to grow up in an abusive household. My gf said it was none of our business and to keep out of it. I couldn’t do that and made a report to social services telling them what I knew.

When I told my gf what I did she got angry and said I should have listened to her and stayed out of it since it was nothing to do with us. I don’t see that I did anything wrong here but does anyone have any different perspectives or views on this or any advice on how to handle it?

tl;dr my girlfriend told me about her colleague who is with a guy who is getting violent and her daughter ended up hiding in a wardrobe crying. I reported them to social services but my girlfriend got angry and told me I should have kept out of it

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