To be cliche, heading says it all.

I’m just sick of the constant messes I’m expected to clean up; otherwise, I’m living in a mess.

Sick of the meat in the sink (I’m a vegetarian), the unflushed toilets, the lights left on, the messy kitchen, the messy rooms, the unvacuumed floors, the clothes everywhere, the blankets strewn about, the hair everywhere, the unmade beds, the bottles and cans on counters and bedroom desks and shelves, the garbage not taken out, the stickiness, the farts… and farts, and farts everywhere, all the time… the f*cking fights every GD day because I’m having to be the btch who can’t stand to be your maid anymore. I’m sick of it.

Can’t I just effing live alone and love them from a different place?

Anyone live happily in separate spaces?

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