Hey Reddit,

I could use some advice regarding a girl I asked out about a year ago. Here’s the background information:

Last year, when I was in college (still am, and so is she… she is a year younger than me as well, just FYI), I asked this girl out for coffee. She said yes, and I got her number. That night, I texted her to figure out a good time for the coffee date. She didn’t respond right away, which was okay since we were both busy. However, I was hoping for a quick response but figured it was nothing too weird.

Eventually, the next morning, she texted me back saying she was interested in someone else and didn’t want to hurt his feelings. So I got the vibe that they might be in that pseudo-dating realm. That made me realize she wasn’t the one for me, even though I still find her really cute. Since then, we haven’t interacted at all, either through texting or in person, even in passing quite honestly. (We both have completely different majors, so it’s not like we’re blatantly ignoring each other either.)

Fast forward to now, a year later. I got Instagram about six months ago due to a group chat I finally wanted to join! (Though this is unrelated to her at the moment as she was not part of why I got Instagram)—

Recently, I saw her as a follow suggestion on Instagram. For context, when I asked her out a year ago for a coffee date, she asked for my social media first so she could follow me on Instagram. At that time, I didn’t have any social media, including Instagram, which is how I ended up getting her number instead.

Now, I’m wondering if it would be suspicious to follow her out of the blue after a year. Would she think it’s weird? Would she even remember what happened between us?

To be honest, I’m not super interested anymore, especially considering how things ended a year ago and how she didn’t tell me no straight up because she was interested in someone else. But I wouldn’t be completely opposed if she was still interested or something by her starting a conversation in my DMs and seeing how it goes, as I didn’t really get to know her super well a year ago.

What do you think, Reddit? Should I follow her on Instagram or just leave it be?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

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