I am 18M and i constantly keep overthinking every small thing and i am always worried about everything in the world like its my responsibility to solve climate change, world hunger, corruption etc.

Because of this i always make all the positive things happening in my life into negative thoughts inside my head.

  1. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to stop overthinking and worrying may vary depending on the individual. However, some tips that may help include: learning how to meditate or practice mindfulness, keeping a worry journal to track and manage your worries, setting aside time each day to focus on your worries and then letting them go, and speaking with a therapist or counselor if your overthinking and worrying are impacting your daily life.

  2. It helps to remember that regardless of what people who want you to worry say, life kinda evens out for most people. Unless you are a victim of a serial killer or live in a war zone, you can literally just chill. That’s the simple answer. You just chill out.

  3. Devote your life to one cause and get after it. Not advocating or being loud. But solving the issue. And might as well make money while you’re doing it.

  4. You sound like me in college. I felt like the world was on my shoulders and I had to do everything. I realized after graduating and getting a full time job that in reality none of that shit I was worrying about mattered. I dropped some people out of my life and that helped too.

  5. For me, it’s finding activities that get me out of my brain. Cooking, running, hockey, sex, etc. all take me out of my head and are great escapes.

  6. I can tell you from my experience that overthinking is a learned habit that can be broken. For example I had a very hypercritical and unstable home life as a kid. I learned to constantly be analyzing my actions and my parents reactions for any behavior that would indicate they were about to go on a rampage, deceive, or hurt me.

    That kind of thing carries over into your other relationships. I still struggle with it sometimes but for the most part I can control it and tell myself this is my bad habit its not representative of reality. Hope that helps in some way

  7. Stop worrying man. That 12 yr old swedish girl cant solve global warming, and neither can you. Some things are just not solveable by one person. Control what you can control, let the rest of the chips fall where they may.

  8. Your worrying will eventually turn into stress, which isn’t good for anyone’s health. Learn not to stress over things that you have no control over.

  9. You have the responsibilities of 1/6,000,000,000 of the planet

    Recycle, reuse, reduce. Be a kind and accepting person. Try and make the interactions you have with people on a daily basis ones that they come out of feeling better.

    That’s it, that’s all you owe.

    Try looking into Stoicism, some great ideas there that may help you.

  10. Therapy can help a lot. You could also just talk to people who are not going to judge you, I find one of the most helpful things to be just getting thoughts like that out of my head.

  11. Don’t worry about things you can’t control has helped me. Just do what you can to prepare for things you actually can control.

  12. Shift your focus to things you can directly influence. Take care of your individual needs first. The most important thing a person can do to make the world better is to educate themselves and take care of their health and well being. Then look at the direct contribution you can make to your family and friends. Then the community. Shift your focus only when the current area of influence is in order.

    Self > family & friends > local community > wider community > global community

    Most people worry about climate change yet still eat diets and wear clothes, invest in and use products and services that harm it. You can start there. Be more ethical in your choices. This is how change happens. Individuals make personal changes until we reach critical mass.

    You’ll worry less when you are in action and making changes.

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