What do you do that “fills your cup”, that doesn’t involve anyone else?

  1. A relaxing evening with a pamper session – face masks, bubble baths, the works

  2. Running “fun” errands. The Trader Joe’s near me has a Barnes and Noble, Target, Nordstrom Rack, Marshall’s, etc. near it. Sometimes just walking around, listening to music, and picking up a candle or fun new foods will happen.


    Playing Stardew Valley.

    Going for a walk and a coffee.

    Trying a new recipe. I put on Netflix, cook, and then clean everything.

    Built a Lego set. This is a new one. I’ve only done it twice because I have no use for a bunch of Lego builds around my house, but I did enjoy it.

  3. When my spouse is out of town I wait until the kids go to bed and I smoke a big joint and cook myself a massive steak

  4. You can do anything you want by yourself! So do whatever fills your cup or makes you happy, don’t worry about having to find company.

    I go out to eat alone because my H is a picky eater and I don’t want to cater to his picky tastebuds.

    I go shopping alone so that I can take my time and try on all the clothes.

    I go hiking alone because sometimes it’s too much work to try to convince others to join me.

  5. Time spent with my dog. Every single day, he cracks me up and reminds me there are more important things in the world.

  6. Doing crafts (crochet, knitting, sewing, baking, maybe someday embroidery if I can find time)

    Fussing over my house plants

    Reading a good book

    Finding new music in my favorite genre

  7. Do my cats count as someone else? Cus when I go to bed and they cuddle up into their spots in the small of my back and behind my knees then start to pur I can’t help but feel pure joy.

  8. Cooking, watching a TV series I really like (rn I am deep into Yellowstone and loving it), gardening, YouTube, listening to my favorite podcasts (Last Podcast On The Left, Page 7 etc.)

  9. Being outside. Going for a walk while listening to a podcast or book.

    Getting something fun to eat or drink and sitting and enjoying it.

    Fun shopping like wandering a book store or local shops.

    Finding a fun recipe and trying it out.

  10. Walking to the coffee shop on the weekend. Drinking my coffee by the river while I listen to music or read then doing a long walk back.

    Going to the cinema alone. Watching movies at home alone. Dancing. Going window shopping for hours. Going to the gym. Everything I can do with others, I often do on my own. I’m a person who deeply enjoys solitude. It soothes me

  11. Taking a meditative walk in nature, listening to my favorite music, taking myself out to breakfast, listening to oracle/tarot reads (technically involves *someone* else I guess but I think it still counts ha ha)

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