So I 25M met this girl 24?F at a volleyball tournament a few weeks ago and I am 90% sure she is into me so I was going to ask her to a volleyball draw tournament over the weekend where you sign up as 2 people and they put you together with 2 other teams of 2 and then play games and rotate you around with other teams. Wasn’t able to ask her so far since there are people around and feel like it would be awkward so just have a small window when walking to the car for the night. Also her friend will likely be playing with us now so I feel like there will be no time to ask her alone. I hear that it is better to do it in person but should I just ask her over text to do it now rather than wait for the right time or just try again in person next time?

  1. If you have her number already and it wouldn’t be weird to reach out ask her. You might never get a moment 1 on 1 if you are only seeing her in public at Volleyball games.

  2. If you have her number and she has yours, call her.

    If she doesn’t answer and texts you instead, ask her through text but ideally, I would try to ask in person as that would make a bigger impression I think.

  3. Texting is okay, but in person is better. If you think about the time frame at these public volleyball games where you have seen her in the past and will see her in the future, imagine the different points on time in which you could get her attention, talk to her, and ask her out / to do this. I guarantee there are points in time you can do this, the only thing holding you back is likely yourself / your own fear. So, to combat that, pick out how and when you will talk to her, tell your self you will do it, and in the moment force yourself to. Maybe you’ll feel awkward, but if she has any interest in you at all, even just as friends, you will be fine.

    This is a chance to pursue your true heart, take it and lift yourself up. Talk to the people in your life about this. I bet they will reassure you and make you feel better.

    Edit: This can be as simple as a 10 second interaction, one sentence: “Hey X, would you be interested in doing Y with me? I can text you about it”

    You can absolutely do this with people around. People ask others out with other people around all the time. You might be uncomfortable with it, but they won’t. Flip the situation around, would you be uncomfortable with a random person or a friend getting asked out at one of these volleyball games?

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