My boyfriend (M21) cheated on me (F21). We have been friends for 5+ years and we’re together for three and a half. We have lived together for 1 and a half years. He was such an amazing boyfriend and seemed so in love with me. Our friendship group is full of couples and everyone always viewed our relationship as the strongest one. We did so much together and I really believed we were best friends and meant for one another. We never had any issues in our relationship, whilst we obviously both had flaws we always worked together and seemed like a really good team. He bought me teddies for our future children, made baby boots for them and we very often spoke about wedding venues and houses and it seemed like a guarantee that we had a future together.

About a month or two ago he became closer to the people on his university course. A month ago he mentioned a girl he had become friends with as she had been through a lot of rough time and had opened up to him about it all. I knew they were becoming friends and I trusted him entirely. He said it was completely friendly and I told him to be careful as not all girls are trustworthy people. I’d met her before and she knew about me and our relationship. I felt slightly uncomfortable with how much she messaged him but he agreed and said I will not reply unless it’s about university. Again, he was so honest and agreed with everything we discussed and said he didn’t want me to ever feel uncomfortable about it.

He was completely affectionate with me and our relationship did not change in the slightest. He actively asked to cuddle and told me he loved me and danced with me. Everything was completely normal in our relationship.

One day I was doing an assignment and he decided to go out with friends because I was busy with work. I told him have the best time and I’d let him know when I was finished. He said he would come home straight away and bring me chocolates on the way home for finishing my work.

It got to about 2 in the morning and I wondered where he was and was worried. I rang him and texted and he said he was on his way home. At about 3:30 he rang me and said he needed to speak to me when he was home.

He told me he kissed this girl and she said she liked him and he’d been friends with and was really confused. Afterwards he went to a friends house and I went back home to my mums because I was devastated. I rang him a little later on and he broke up with me. He told me he was more compatible with this other girl. He said in the past month he has started developing feelings for her. He said what they have is stronger and he is happier with her.

Our friendship group have completely disowned him despite me saying they could continue their friendships.

I feel so blindsided. I saw a future with him and he did too and that all changed for him in one month. His parents have reached out and are in utter shock. I can’t understand how he has found something stronger with someone in that amount of time. He said it’s a feeling and nothing to do with me. He loves me and fancies me but he sees a future with her now.

How do I ever trust someone again? How do I get over a relationship that was so good but ended so badly? I feel lost and sick and need advice.

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