There’s a girl at my workplace who I’ve recently become friends with. Initially we vibed really well. Then she started making subtle jabs at me, the way I talk, the way I live my life, and even things that I say. She tries to make me appear dumb, whether we’re talking one on one or in a group. She makes fun of me by randomly laughing at me with others and when I ask what’s the matter she just says “aw you’re so cute”.

I’m fucking 28 and she’s 27.

But I’ve noticed she doesn’t behave that way with boys. In fact she likes to hang out with guys more. With guys she’s subdued, normal. But with us girls she’s loud, obnoxious, always trying to one-up me in particular. And I’ve noticed the way she tries to draw people in is by flattering them. Extreme flattery.

I’d like to remain friends with her but the way she treats me is getting so much on my nerves that I’ve started avoiding her. I don’t want to be a sensitive asshole but idk, just thinking of talking to her makes me anxious because her whole body language says she’s making fun of me. And the worst part is she is ALWAYS trying to one up me, or dismiss what I’m saying, or trying to give unnecessary advice. And if I talk about myself or my life she makes fun of it. Then she starts talking at length about herself, how she’s so good at this and that, how disciplined her life is, how many friends she has etc etc. I even caught her in a lie. When we were with a different group of girls she loudly proclaimed she knew how to cook complex dishes. When we were with another group of girls, she said she doesn’t know how to cook at all. I didn’t call her out but that confirmed to me that she was a liar and it wasn’t all just in my head.

How do I stay friends with her without being a sensitive idiot?

TL;DR A coworker I’d like to stay friends with tries to humiliate and make fun of me all the time.

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