This is my 2nd post on this now. But it’s still been bothering me again. (I lowkey want y’all to tell me I’m insecure and I’m just overthinking rather than the alternative)
My gf is overly friendly to everyone. Girls, boys, old, or young, it doesn’t matter. On top of that, she’s pretty and people are always trying to talk to her.

Scenario 1:
There’s one coworker she recently met and got closed with. They went back and forth sending messages on IG (manly memes and small conversations). Her excuses was that they shared lots of similarities in music and art which I don’t share with her and she just wanted to see what type of person he is. I told her to stop bc he’s trying to hit on her, which she didn’t believe and said he’s just being friendly. This went for a week and the coworker ended up confessing his feelings. She ignored him and told me about it. He threw a fuss and talked behind her back to other coworkers. Couple days go by, he apologizes to her and my gf being super friendly person she is, accepted. (Which is normal for her to be super forgiving) Anyways, they go back to sending memes and even replying to each others stories on IG.
Edit: during the early stage of the relationship. I was doing a bad job at showing her love. It annoyed her and she would often leave me on delivered to message this guy. Now it’s not the case after we talked it out. But I felt like she emotionally cheated on me.

Scenario 2:
Around the same time, she had lunch with her long time male friend. End of lunch, he also ended up confessing his feelings to her. She rejected and did tell me the same day. Couple days later, the dude apologizes, and again, she forgives him. (She been known this guy way longer than she has known me and considers him “best friend”) so she refuses to cuts ties with him over something like that.
There’s many other scenarios where her friends, including females, have tried to hit on her. And she is in contact with all of them. Mainly bc they were friends at first and they ended up confessing their feelings when they grew close.

Edit: she is open to showing me the messages. I read like couple lines and it’s mainly regular conversation or memes. But I stopped reading them bc I’m scared.

Her side:

Almost all of her close friends has tired to hit on her, including FEMALES. So cutting everyone that has tried to hit on her means she literally doesn’t have any close friends. Even if they have feelings for her, it doesn’t matter bc she doesn’t have the same feelings towards them. And she can’t control their feelings. She sees them regularly at work and class so pretending like nothing happened is better than making it super awkward. She is overly friendly by nature, so cutting people off and ignoring them is completely changing her personality. All conversations between her friends are non sexual. Conversation after they have confess their feelings are normal and both parties pretend like nothing ever happened.

My gf is super friendly. Almost all her friends, guys and girl have confessed their feelings to her. She has rejected all of them but refuses to cuts ties. Instead pretends it never happened and CONTINUES to talk to them almost on regular base. Is it ok for someone to stay in contact with someone that has feelings for them when they are already in a relationship?

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