The guy I’ve been talking to for about 4 months has called it quits?
We never made anything official, we decided not to see other people but never declared we were in a relationship, he would always plan dates, call me his girl tell me how pretty I was. Recently I went away for a weekend for my friends birthday and he said he wanted to see me before I went, he bought us a bottle of wine and we had sex quite a few times the night before I went away.
I didn’t really message him alot during my holiday as there was no reception but I told him that, the last thing he snapped me before sending this message I will attach was that he was busy working and he will reply when he’s finished and hopes that I have a good day. I then get home from my weekend away and the next day he sends this:

“Hello it’s only me. I’ve been doing some thinking recently about where me and you stand with each other at the moment. I’ve really enjoyed the time we’ve spent together but I’ve decided I don’t want to carry things on further. I think there are a few differences between us that I don’t see working long term and I don’t think it’s fair to carry on the way things are when my heart isn’t fully in it. You’re a lovely girl and you haven’t done anything wrong, and I don’t want you to think that you have either. I feel like you deserve to be with someone who is absolutely sure about where their future with you is going, but I am not that person. I hope you understand.”

I’m quite hurt by this and the fact he hasn’t done it face to face, I do feel like I’ve been used or the fact that he has love bombed me abit, promising things, saying how lovely I am etc.

Is there any advice someone can give me or any closure I can get from this?

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