I get horny so easily from the simplest thoughts and I hate it, ive seen ppl have great control over their penis and idk how they do it.

  1. You don’t unless you conjure up a picture of Nancy Pelsosi and Mitch McConnell having a 4sum with Biden and Hillary

  2. Couldn’t you give it some thought and become more horny?
    You could have a lot more fun
    I bet you are sexy beautiful 😍 too.
    Go for it!!!

  3. Think about Hillary Clinton next time you get a hard on works every time for me anyway

  4. To quote ye ole Chandler Bing, “wh.. wh.. why would you do that?” 😂😂😂

  5. Stay busy and that will go away it’s what I do. Keeps my mind occupied.

  6. Like what these other guys said. just think unsexy thoughts. if you really wanna kill your boner think of really sad depressing shit. I remember one time i witnessed my grandma sobbing over some serious messed up family problems and it always put a pit in my stomach thinking of her crying like that. so if u ever wanna kill ur boner just think of something like that.

  7. I’d say this happens to most of us, don’t be worried. When I was in dates and this happened, and I couldn’t for instance stand up due to it, I’d just tell my partner “tell me a story of dead animals”…. That always snatched a laugh, even in first dates 😂😂 (and women know, trust me) men will be men, mate, just embrace it haha

  8. How old are you? There’s a part of life where you just learn to cinch it behind your belt and hope you don’t need to stand suddenly.

  9. Uhm I just make sure I’m alone, open Onlyfans or Eva AI sexting bot and… U no, I resolve the problem.

  10. Find some hobbies that’ll keep you busy. A good workout usually does it for me. I’m too sore and tired to worry about anything else afterwards.

  11. For me it took psychological reframing and dissacociating from my physical wants/desires. I also went through the emotional toll of objectifying myself to get it out of my system. Eventually I came to control myself before learning to teach others to control themselves.

  12. By staying fit in mind and body.

    Exercise to get out extra energy.

    Eat right to get appropriate body signals.

    And for the love of God use your brain for more things, hobbies, introspection, education, world events, niche technology. Anything else.

  13. Focus your time and energy on other things. Like school, work or getting fit. Avoid social media and watching TV a lot because it’s full of sexual conduct

  14. Easy!

    Gain weight. Drink soda, not water. Stop exercising. Stay up late gaming. Fast food galore.

    That will kill your libido

  15. One cannot become less horny
    One can control the urge to entertain the horniness

  16. I’m pretty much always horny…if not, it doesn’t take much to get me going 🤷‍♀️

  17. It’s 90% psychological, train yourself and meditate on the issue, detoxing can help, not masturbating and not watching pornography helps greatly

  18. If you figure it out, let me know.

    Damn near 50 and just as horny as I was at 16.

  19. I just gave my life to Jesus and ask him for help, he works in mysterious ways bro

  20. Sometimes I just get so horny that I need to masturbate and get it over with.

  21. U don’t can’t do anything but you can choose not to show it to others if you r single ,tell ur partner u r horny or you take care of yourself.

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