I tagged this NSFW because mention of porn and sex life.

I want to start by saying that I normally don’t have an issue with my partner watching porn(obviously as long as it’s nothing alarming, but I’m pretty tolerant as along as it’s not illegal content). I watch it myself and think masturbation is heathy in moderation. As long as it doesn’t cross any clear relationship boundaries, I don’t really have any issues.

However, my partner and I have a less than satisfying sex life. I have a pretty healthy sex drive and I have told him before that I’m disappointed with our sex life. (We have been together for two years)

The other day I was using his computer and noticed the telegram app. I opened it and saw that he was a part of a couple porn chatrooms. This prompted me to dig a little deeper and noticed that he also has downloaded files of porn on the computer.

Like I said, I wouldn’t normally care. While I admit I AM insecure, I’m not stupid and know that other people generally consider me pretty attractive. So, it’s not a matter of being upset and feeling threatened that he’s consuming porn. What I AM upset about is that he’s consuming porn to this extent and can’t even keep a regular healthy sex life with me/keep me satisfied. The more I think about it the more I’m beginning to take this extremely personally and feeling like he just doesn’t want me or find me sexually attractive. I find myself longing for a partner that worships me sexually(like that one Hozier song. lol) I need more passion and intimacy in my life.

What do I do in this situation? Am I right to feel wronged somehow? Is this a major issue? Is this a reason to leave?

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