I’ve been texting this guy for around two weeks and I find myself smiling just thinking about him and talking about him to my friends. We haven’t met up or anything. It’s purely just been texting online.
When he told me two times that he’s been on dates, it made my heart sink. I genuinely got sad. Fast forward around a week or so, I realise I have some sort of crush on him, but it feels so wrong seeing as I haven’t even met him or spoke to him over the phone or even heard his voice. Fast forward two weeks later, we got into a fight and I blew up at him, saying I hate him and he’s the worst friend ever. I block him on all socials straight away. He then texts me with a big paragraph basically fighting for me. A few days after that, he admits he’s interested in me romantically. I admit the same. I feel like an idiot and just immature that I like him when I haven’t even met him. If this is totally immature and stupid of me, how do you suggest I get over him?
P.S. I’m meeting him tomorrow to talk about all of this with him.
TL;DR: caught feelings for a guy who I’ve only ever texted and it feels wrong. If it’s wrong, how do I get over him?

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