I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 9 months now, and things have been great between us. However, there’s one issue that’s been bothering me. He has a good relationship with his parents and talks to them often but he still hasn’t ever mentioned me to them. He goes back to his hometown 1-2 times a month to visit them. Basically, they believe he’s still single.

When we’re on dates, if his parents call him, he lies about what he’s doing and says he’s grocery shopping or something similar. Recently, his parents visited his apartment (he lives alone) and commented on a plushie I got him. He told them his coworker got it for him instead of telling the truth.

I’ve tried bringing it up a few times, but he always gives me vague answers or admits he “doesn’t know why”. My family knows about him, and they’ve even met him a couple of times. I really like him and see a future with him, but this secrecy makes me feel like he’s not serious about us.

I understand if it’s too soon to meet his family but not telling them that he’s dating at ALL seems odd to me? I’m not sure if I should push the issue more or if I should be patient and give him more time. Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.

tl;dr 9 months in, boyfriend’s family doesn’t know about me. Red flag or overreacting?

edit: we are from the same cultural background + similar upbringing. But my parents are extremely strict/conservative, his are fairly relaxed. He’s even told me he thinks his parents would like me.

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