We always hear about women who choose the “safe choice”

Eta: “Safe” meaning the love is there but there’s a lack of passion. They check all the boxes and make you happy but the excitement isn’t there.

  1. You know, I had a life full of thrills, from about 21 to 25 years old, now I’m 32 and I’m very comfortable in stability because I feel better now that I can plan something and see the light of the next days.

  2. The safe option is someone who treats you well. That doesn’t mean there isn’t passion. It just means that passion isn’t drenched in toxicity and drama.

    So to that effect. It’s going very well.

  3. It’s entirely possible to have safety AND passion. In fact, I’m rather passionate about safety and comfort. So it’s going very very well.

  4. I’m in a safe healthy relationship and honestly it’s probably the most chemistry I’ve ever had, hence the most passionate. Probably because of the communication. When I say I express what I like, he does more of it (and I’m the same with him). “I like when you stroke the back of my neck”, “you smell so good”, “cuddle me”, “thanks for getting me something at Taco Bell, so thoughtful “. It’s silly but respectful listening and appropriate communication is so sweet

  5. Safe sounds like a secure relationship, which you should pick at all times!

  6. Women need to feel safe and secure first before they can even consider passion. It’s part of how we’re hardwired. 🖤

  7. He was an addict and I haven’t seen him in months and I am actively trying to divorce him.

  8. Huge difference between safe and lack of excitement. I recently ended things with a good guy on paper ( probably the most good looking I ever dated and checks all of my boxes or so I thought). I just felt bored with him and there was absolutely no excitement whatsoever. I had already settled for my ex for 8 years and honestly have zero plans to do that ever again. If it’s not a HELL YEAH, then it’s a NO.

  9. I’m very safe and very happy. We’re on the same team so, while we may not agree and see eye to eye 100% of the time, we have each others best interest at heart.

  10. It’s the best. The feeling of safety and security and TRUST is unmatched. Who knew those butterflies were anxiety 😬

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