I \[M22\] was born a triplet with two sisters \[F22\], making me the only boy out of the three of us. I’m on good terms with both of my sisters, and we’ve always been since we were kids, never estranged or anything like that. Still, as the only boy, I’ve always felt like the odd one out. My sisters always did everything together. They did Girl Scouts together, they took dance classes together, their friend groups have always had a bunch of overlap, and they even dressed the same for a bit when they were much younger (though they quickly got tired of that as they grew up). Even as we’ve all gone our separate ways after college, my sisters still talk to each other quite frequently. I keep in touch with both of them as well, and they reach out to me now and then, but the two of them are pretty much best friends, with how often they still talk and hang out with each other.

I understand siblings aren’t always guaranteed to be best friends, and I’m sure I’m lucky to have as good of a relationship as I do with them. Some people don’t even have that. Still, seeing as we’re all the same age, and we all grew up around each other, I can’t help but feel like I did something wrong. Admittedly, I’ve always been the type to keep to myself, so I’m sure a lot of it is my fault. Connecting with other people has long been an issue for me, and it’s something I’m trying to work on. The two of them have even expressed to me before that they always felt like our parents favor me the most out of all of us, and I’m not sure if that’s caused a bit of a rift between us. I don’t think I’d agree with them on that notion, but I understand I’m a bit biased there. Is it too late to change our relationship? Should I even be worried about this at all? Should I be happy where I am with them?

TL;DR – I’m the only boy of a set of triplets. My sisters have always been really close with each other, and I regret not having a closer relationship with both of them. What do?

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