For the most part, relationships don’t interest me.

I have two friends at work. One who I have a lot in common with, but sees me as a work friend, and sometimes her mental health issues can cause her to go quiet. That’s fine, we’re learning to talk to each other better and I don’t need us to be closer if that isn’t what she wants.

The second friend cares too much. How to put it? She is obviously insecure. She’s a lovely person, often asks how I am and offers solutions but she is so needy. My relationship with her is complicated, too complicated. She thinks we are best friends, I disagree, I think she is a work friend and I have to be careful because if she ever gets the feel that I could be closer to someone else than her, she gets titchy.

I don’t care when she and the other friend go out together. I do not care. But if me and the other friend do, she’s like “you were probably talking about me”, or “the cinema is your guys thing, I never get invited”, bear in mind, she does and was busy so often we stopped asking, plus who wants to go to the cinema with someone who is always complaining about being left out and barely watches films so you can’t talk to them about films.

She asked this morning, “What are you guys talking about?” As soon as she got into the office, and I said, not even angrily “Why are you so nosy?” Because I felt as if she was prodding again and being insecure and it always comes off this way.

So then, you hear her whispering about what I said with other people (which I couldn’t care less about but I would like to know if you guys would apologise), and saying she is still waiting for an apology, to which I said she’d die waiting for it and by then it wouldn’t matter anyway so there was no point in worrying.

Back when I was a Jehovah’s Witness, it’s true my family didn’t accept my spiritual beliefs and we parted ways because of that, but we loved each other. The relationship would have been worth fighting for. This drama bullshit with people I dont really need, I don’t know – I just wanted some feedback.
Would you apologise?

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