My wife and I have a great relationship. We've been married one year but together for 7. She's the only woman I ever want. Without going to far into details, she was recently diagnosed with very early stage cancer. While she's putting on a brave face I can tell she's very scared as am I. The doctors say its early enough that she'll most likely make a full recovery but its still very scary.

An unexpected result of everything is that while her sex drive is as normal as its ever been, mine has become shot. Normally we're intimate about 3-5 times a week. But now Im so heartbroken and stressed over it, that Im having a hard time seeing her in a sexual manner. I want to hug and cuddle her at all times but my sex drive just isnt there. I dont mean to sound patronizing her, but its like i see her as a sick puppy more than my wife who Im very attracted to. Its gotten to the point that she's noticed and asked me why Im avoiding intimacy. I was honest with her about my feelings and while she didnt get mad, I could tell she was very upset about it. How do I fix this and get back to a normal relationship with her?

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