Descibe your favorite shirt you have.

  1. I have a few.

    The first has the name of my hometown in that black metal font and a hard to identify low fidelity image of a locally famous local sculpture on public land. If you don’t look closely you’d just assume it was some random metal band.

    I also really love my Ru Paul shirt that’s just her head and some flowers on a nice pastel background. Something about looking like a big metalhead dude on my motorcycle but rocking a badass drag queen on my shirt just really works for me.

    The last one is the Cannibal Corpse shirt my teenage kid bought me. They spent some of their birthday money to buy us matching shirts.

  2. Original concert T-shirt from Van Halen’s 1984 tour. I was there. There’s a VERY good reason they are called: “The Mighty Van Halen.”

  3. My Rancid shirt with the “…And Out Come the Wolves” album cover

    I’ve had it at least 20 years

  4. Formal: Oxford, white, slim fit

    Smart casual: Oxford, patterned (usually some sort of plaid), slim fit

    Casual: plain t shirt, usually navy, absolutely no logos or embroidery or cringy slogans

  5. light blue lululemon polo shirt. I like it because of how comfortable it is and it looks good too

  6. I bought a black dress shirt at Macy’s for work, and it’s received more compliments in a month than my entire wardrobe has in my entire life.

  7. A T-shirt I caught at a basketball game that one of the cheerleaders shot out of a cannon. Surprisingly, it’s one of the more comfortable ones I own.

  8. Most recently, it’s a red shirt with the Eagle Fang dojo logo on it. If I run into folks in Cobra Kai shirts, we give each other dirty looks.

  9. My super old Gibson Guitar shirt that’s so faded you can’t read the words and so thread bare I can no longer wear it respectably in public.

  10. Vintage shirt of a Japanese punk band called Swankys. It is a poorly drawn cartoon of an alarm clock with arms and legs, holding a gun and shooting a radio that reads “rock n roll history fuck off!!!!!”

  11. Still have an FDNY 9/11 shirt I’ve kept relatively intact for 20+ years.

  12. It’s a black Condor Speed Shop shirt with a race car e30 on the back. Might be the highest quality material I’ve ever bought the shirt is still perfect several years later

  13. It has an anatomically correct heart on the front (placed correctly on the body) and on the back there is the backside of the heart along with a decent chunk of the circulatory system.

  14. I’ve got a Metallica Ride the Lighting shirt. The colours match really well with my favourite skirt, so I often wear them together.

  15. Its blue with birds on it. 1. I love birds. 2. My girlfriend made it for me and it fits me perfectly.

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