My husband and I have been married for almost 20 years. To be honest, we had a good first five years but after that I feel that we have since then not been really happy in our marriage. He is a great guy, we have always respected and supported each other. However, over the years, we have both felt into depression, sometimes quite acute. I am mostly out of depression due to lifestyle change and change of career. It had a big impact on our social life which is basically inexistent. We don't do anything together, we might see friends together three times a year, otherwise our life is at home,all the time, and even there we don't do much together beside watching a show or movie once in a while.
All of that to say, that we have grown more and more apart and disconnected. I believe he has a chronic depression but he is not willing to do much about it. He works remotely so he spent 90% of his time at home, which I am sure has an impact on his mood, and not wanted to do anything. I have in the past been the social motor of our couple, offering to do stuffs together but he most of the time find an excuse to say no. So about a year ago, I decided to go out on my own and do things I enjoy, and he is cool with it but It just feels weird when I am out and see other couples having fun together while I am on my own.

Fast forward, I am bored and even tho I still love him, the spark seems gone , and I think it's the same for him and I don't know how to move forward and not just be in a state of " status quo" as we have done for years now.

I am looking for similar experience and tips on how to keep my chin up and prepare for a possible way out. Thanks for listening.

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