How can a woman, without much money and a disability go through with a divorce? It’s already so mentally, physically, and emotionally draining dealing with a partner who is abusive and unfaithful but finding good affordable legal help on top of that is such a struggle. How did you do it? What things helped you most going through your divorce? Thanks.

  1. Try checking with local and state organizations in your area. This is a good link to get started đŸ‘‡đŸ»[US Domestic Violence Agencies](

    Sometimes there are local religious charities and/or women’s organizations that may be able to help financially with different types of grants if you qualify based on income. The grants can cover different types of financial help (legal fees, rental assistance, etc.). The things that helped me the most were going to therapy, and listening to stories of survivors of domestic violence. It seems counterintuitive, but hearing other people describe their struggles and how they overcame them gave me hope and made me feel less alone. Stay strong, I know how hard this can be, I’m sorry you’re going through this 💕

    Narcissist Apocalypse is a podcast that I listen to sometimes that has survivors share their stories and interviews various experts who described different types of abuse, talk about red flags to look out for, and give advice on how to safely get out of DV situations

    [Narcissist Apocalypse Podcast](

  2. I feel like a women’s shelter should be a last resort. Is there something in between?

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