is there anyone who has always been a giver through out their life and now it is getting really tough to receive love and it affects all the relationships you are trying to create. am really struggling with this. any help i would appreciate so much.

  1. EFT tapping has helped me a lot with process emotions. Please search “brad yates tapping receive love” on YouTube. He has quite a few videos that should resonate with this topic for you, otherwise I would have linked one specifically. Try it out.

  2. I can’t tell from here what’s driving you to be a giver and struggle with receiving, but if you’re anything like other people like that I’ve met, there’s one crucial thing for you to remember. Giving to others does not and should not mean effacing yourself. You are someone in need of love. You are good at giving love. Put those two things together.

    Treat yourself as you would treat a good friend – get the special little treats for you that you would get for any other person, give yourself time and attention, give yourself physical comfort (whether that comes in the form of pampering, clothes with nice textures, favorite candles and music, etc.) And if you are thinking right now that it’s awkward and weird (and ‘selfish’ and whatever other bad names your brain has for it) to spend all that time and effort on yourself, well, do your best to try this approach for a little bit anyway. You must’ve had a friend or two in your life who were awkward at receiving attention at first, and you still offered while respecting their boundaries, and hopefully over time your friendship deepened to the point where they no longer felt awkward with you. Take the same approach with yourself.

    In short, first learn to receive love and care from yourself, because you deserve your care equally as much as all the people you love deserve it. Doing this sort of self-care will help you not only think that sentence, but actually feel the truth of it. And with this, you’ll find that it’s a lot easier to receive love and care from others, because you’re no longer subconsciously counting out what you owe them for expending love ‘unnecessarily’ on someone who’s ‘not worth it’ or ‘doesn’t need it’ or whatever the playlist of your mind plays when you’re currently receiving love.

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